Education Is Important Because…


Many thanks to Amy Murch for sharing this important global education program! Read on…

Students in Amy Murch’s fourth grade class at Brooks School Elementary recently met global explorer Justin Miles from London, England! How? Through Skype in the Classroom! Through this video conference, Amy’s students learned about Justin’s many adventures, his passions and thoughts on exploration, and his genuine love for learning. Justin taught the students about geography coordinates for finding different locations all around the world, and shared stories from his adventures in the Arctic. Students were able to interact with him by asking questions, sharing stories, and finding different locations around the world using latitude and longitude. Justin’s biggest objective was to introduce  the students to an inspiring challenge, called #educationisimportantbecause or #EAA.

Did you know there are approximately 58 million children around the globe who do not have access to education due to various conditions and situations? Through explorations, adventures, and his work as a children’s author, Justin Miles is spreading the word about the global education program ‘Educate A Child’. He created a website to collect letters from children all around the world on why they think education is important. Please check out this link:

murch2Mrs. Murch’s students accepted the challenge and wrote letters to Justin about why they think education is important. These letters are now going global! “It’s just another way to demonstrate the importance and excitement of global learning,” said Murch. “My students LOVE doing Skype lessons each week. We Skype experts into our classroom to teach and demonstrate new concepts of our curriculum, we play Mystery Skype (a geography skills game of questioning, research and adventure), and we meet authors like Justin who help us connect and learn about what’s happening around the globe. Skype allows us to make real life connections which turns into real life learning.”

Follow Justin on Twitter @ExplorerJust
Follow Amy on Twitter @TeamMurch4

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